
Do you miss your grandparents thinking about your childhood days? It has been a long time since my grandparents passed away. But, there is a void that can’t get filled in my life. There is a part of me that always misses them. When my book got published, I missed my ‘Nanaji’ (maternal grandfather) the most. I wanted to read chapters from my book to him. He always knew I would pursue my writing, even though I never studied to be a writer.
Some people always want to show their superiority or judge me for being single. If my ‘Dadi’ (paternal grandmother) lived amidst us, she would have all answers to quite the crowd. We haven’t seen gender discrimination around in the family. All thanks to my grandmother. She might love us a little less than my brothers, but she could take a bullet for both of us.
I gaze at the sky every year on my birthday and say a pray. I know all four of my grandparents are showering blessings onto me. I have grown older and fatter over time. But, I have always kept my favorite sweater closer that was handmade by my ‘Nani’ (maternal grandmother). I was lucky that I grew up amidst my grandparents. They were always by my side celebrating my birthday. But my mind hovers around the future. No one would ever shower me with kisses the way my grandparents would, seeing me in bridal wear. No one would ever love my imperfections as they did. All my grandmother cared about was my weight loss during my college days. No one would have been proud of us than my grandparents in our new home. I lived my childhood listening to their plans about my wedding. But when the actual wedding day arrives, they won’t be around. We are still in the phase where we are clueless if we find a life partner for me. The fact of my grandparents’ absence always lingers and makes my heart heavier. Life would have been different if they were around. They would have loved me with all their heart and soul, whether I got married or lived single.