Page 159 of 2023

I am writing a blog after a long time, between the last blog and this one, there aren’t major life changes. WordPress upgraded itself and I am having a hard time writing a blog today. I lost a beautifully written piece an hour ago due to the update. Do I want to beat myself to death? Yes!

We are into the second half of the year already. I cannot imagine life running at such a fast pace. As we age, I think people get comfortable in their own skin. I heard people criticizing the way, I think professionally and personally. But at the end of the day, I am at the receiving end for whatever life throws at me. I decided to stop caring about other’s opinions about my career goals or personal dating rules. No one can compel me to change my behavior towards someone. I choose my friends.

I found solace in running errands, buying flowers, washing utensils, cleaning my small rented space, and decluttering every weekend. I think I am obsessed with cleanliness as my parents are. Every weekend, I clean my house like ‘Monica’ from Friends. Now, I understand her obsession with cleanliness, it brings peace to you on a chaotic day. During that moment, I care only about organizing my fridge and making a sumptuous meal for myself. Every day my goal is to be that person I read in books and see in those Instagram reels. People who have the guts to show their tiny homes and create therapeutic videos of coffees, and ice cube restocking. I love my space even during days I don’t feel myself. I get up, dress up and show each day. I lived the first half of the year waiting for something which wasn’t awarded to me. I was shattered and yet I picked up myself and showed up. You need courage to walk to a place which broke your heart into a million pieces. When you live a single adult life you have to be your cheerleader every day of the calendar year. I did strike-off things from my bucketlist this year and I would continue to do that. On top of my list is not taking shit from anyone, however positive kind a person they might sound, I am not interested in the negativity they bring to my day.

In other news, yesterday I saw a woman walking five dogs during my evening walk. We both smiled at each other at the same time and it was one of the highlights of my week. I want to be that person who could make strangers smile.

I haven’t achieved a lot this year, neither did I lose a pound or I got slimmer. I got into a routine and I think for the next 5 years, I am okay with following a set of habits that make me proud of myself for the rest of 40 years I live.

Been ages since I made myself some mango shake
Made some Iced coffee 🙂
My solo date 🙂
Ate out with my brother
Listening to this one and crying brb 😦 Snow is 3,100 km 😦

I am gonna write soon 🙂