Reading Shelf – January

The siren song of the bookstore is a powerful lure for bookworms like us. We get swept away by the promise of new adventures, captivating stories, and the sheer joy of holding a fresh, crisp book. But that excitement often collides with the Mount TBR (To Be Read) that towers precariously in our homes. I have been a chronic offender for years, accumulating books faster than I can devour them.

Resolutions always seemed like a recipe for frustration. Every year, I’d set up a gargantuan reading challenge on Goodreads, a list so long it dwarfed Kilimanjaro. Some years, fueled by sheer willpower, I’d conquer those Everest-like goals. But last year? The reading abyss swallowed me whole. Even the most compelling characters couldn’t entice me back from the slump.

This year, I decided to take a different approach. Instead of chasing lofty, distant targets, I focused on a book that had been gathering dust on my shelf, a neglected soul in the TBR kingdom. Picking it up felt like a homecoming, a reconnection with a forgotten friend.

This might be the start of something new. Maybe it’s about rediscovering the joy of reading for the sake of reading, not for the sake of numbers. Maybe it’s about giving those neglected books a chance to shine. One thing’s for sure, this year, I’m prioritizing quality time with the stories already waiting for me, with an open mind to where this new path might lead.

Book 1: The Travelling Cat Chronicles

Book 2: Avni: Inside the Hunt for India’s Deadliest Maneater

Book 3: The War Diary of Asha-san: From Tokyo to Netaji’s Indian National Army

Book 4: 1965: A Western Sunrise (Wrapped up a book review as a ghost writer)

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